
Monday, March 9, 2020

Agricultural Soil Pollution

Agricultural soil pollution
The contamination of  soil with solid waste,  by acid rain, excess application of  fertilizers, Insecticides and herbicides is  called agricultural soil pollution (or  land pollution).

Sources of Agricultural Soil Pollution

  • Acid Rain
  •  Agricultural solid Wastes
  •  Fertilizers
  •  Insecticides and Herbicide

Acid Rain

Acid Rain is caused by air  pollution. Agricultural air pollution comes mainly in the form of ammonia(NH3) from heavily fertilized fields and livestock waste. Then it reacts with nitrogen oxides (NOx) & sulphur(SO2) and mix with water and oxygen and form acid rain. The acidic  water falls on the soil and  pollutes it by making the  soil acidic.

 Agricultural Solid Wastes

1. Field waste

2. Animal waste
eg-animal excreta,carcasses

3. Agro-industrial waste
eg-plastic,paddy husk etc


The use of excess fertilizers to  increase the crop yields makes  the soil either acidic or alkaline  and pollutes it. For example,  excessive use of ammonium  sulphate fertilizers makes the soil  highly acidic whereas the  excessive use of sodium nitrate  fertilizers makes the soil highly  alkaline.

 Insecticides and Herbicides

Insecticides and Herbicides like sodium arsenite (Na3AsO3), sodium chlorate (NaCLO3) are  poisonous chemicals which are  used to spray standing crops to prevent them from harmful insects and herbs. These insecticides and herbicides mix with the soil and pollute it.

➤  Harmful Effects

  • It will increase the exposure to toxic and harmful chemical thus increasing health threats to people living nearby and on the degraded land. Living in the contaminated soil can lead to respiratory disease , skin disease etc.
  • The surface run-off water after raining will carry the polluted soil and enter into different water resources. Thus, it can cause underground water contamination thereby causing water pollution.
  • The agro-industrial solid wastes destroy the natural beauty and  become a breeding ground for mosquitoes which spread diseases like malaria and dengue.
  • Land Pollution caused by acid  rain reduce the fertility of soil  leading to reduction of crop  yields.
  • The pollution caused by the  excessive use of fertilizers also  reduces the fertility of the soil  and crop yields by making the  soil either highly acidic or highly  alkaline.
  • The soil pollution caused by the  use of insecticides and herbicides  in agriculture is very dangerous  because these chemicals can  enter our food chain and  damage our health.

➤  Modes of Waste Disposal

“Disposal of Wastes”-means ‘to get rid of waste’.

The disposal of waste should be done in a  scientific way. There are different methods of waste  disposal. The methods to be used depends on the  nature of the waste. Some of the important modes  of waste disposal are:-

1. Landfills

Most of the solid  wastes in urban areas  are buried in low-lying  areas to level the  uneven ground. This is  called Landfills.

2. Recycling

It is the method of recovery and processing of  Biodegradable wastes or materials after they  have been used, which enables them to be  used. For example, solid wastes like paper,  plastics and metals, etc., are recycled.  Industrial wastes are treated in special plants  and valuable wastes are recycled.

3. Composting

In this method, the domestic waste like fruit and  vegetable waste, left-over food, leaves of potted  plants etc., can be converted into compost and  used as manure.

4. Controlled Incineration

It means ‘reduction to ashes’. The burning of a  substance at high temperature to form ash is called  Incineration. It is used to destroy household waste,  chemical waste         and biological waste. Incineration is  carried out in incinerator.

5. Production of Bio-gas & Manure

In this method Cow dung is fed into bio-gas plants  to produce bio-gas and obtain manure.


Soil pollution is one of the major type of  pollution, this pollution is actually present due to the activities of human  like the human made chemical. The major cause involves the industrial activity which leaves the harmful substance in soil causing it's contamination. Also the agricultural chemicals are also playing the part to make the soil dirty. Moreover  human waste material improper disposal also one of the major cause for this. Contamination of underground water sources   Also it causes the spread of diseases very rapidly. The steps should be taken to stop it in order to prevent the harmful effect of this pollution.


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